Ammonia source, Ammonia management and harmful effect of ammonia on Fish pond


Ammonia in water basically stayed in two form unionized Ammonia (NH3) and Ammonium ion (NH4 ). Unionized ammonia is very much lethal and predominated when PH is high. In pond environment PH  up and down due to photosynthesis and respiration by pond organisms. Waste nutrients concentration from feed and feases promote dense phutoplankton. During day time in the presence of sunlight phytoplankton produce their own food by photosynthesis process. Day time CO2 is being low and due to rapid photosynthesis , removal of Carbon dioxide ( CO2) converted to carbonate ( CO3) and bi carbonate (H2CO3) and pH become high but at night time when CO2 is high it converted to carbonic acid ( H2CO3) and  pH become low. So there is a relation between pH and plankton.
When ammonia rise in pond, fish can not extract energy from feed effectively. Ultimately fish going to comma and result in death.

Different fish species in Bangladesh - Marine Fish Species of Bay of Bangol

Different fish species in Bangladesh - Part 3

 Naturally Bangladesh belong to Bay of Bengal which is rich in biological resources. If anybody see the map of Bangladesh they can easily understand why Bangladesh are paramount for capture and culture fisheries. We have billion of ponds, haor, baor,Bill, cannel , river. So we have huge opportunity for fish culture. Here I tried to include some renound fish which are available in Bay of Bengal.
Scientific name:Cynoglosus cynoglosus.         

Different fish species in Bangladesh - Marine Fish Species of Bay of Bangol

Different fish species in Bangladesh part 2 

 Naturally Bangladesh belong to Bay of Bengal which is rich in biological resources. If anybody see the map of Bangladesh they can easily understand why Bangladesh are paramount for capture and culture fisheries. We have billion of ponds, haor, baor,Bill, cannel , river. So we have huge opportunity for fish culture. Here I tried to include some renound fish which are available in Bay of Bengal.