Telapia Culture / Production Technique Part : 01

Part : 01

Site selection for pond

·      The proposed site should be free from trees, bush, rocks, and grasses and away from densely populated, industrial area.
·       The quality of soil (PH   6.5-7.5) influences both water quality and productivity in a pond. The soil must also be suitable for dike construction. Avoiding sandy, muddy Black pirates, Pit forming and Acid sulphate soil. Sandy and muddy soils are not suitable for pond construction because of low water retention capacity. 

·        Clay, clay-loam, silty-clay-loam are preferable kinds of soil for fish pond site.
·       Water quality of the site is an important factor because fish growth depends on it. Survival and growth of fish highly depends on ambient water temperature. A water temperature between 28 °C- 32 °C is generally good for fish farming.
·         Good transportation system
·         Availability of fry and fingerlings PL
·         Bio-Security.
·         Protected from flood.

Design and construction of pond:
 (1 decemel or 1 shotangsho = 40 Square meter= 435 square feet)
 ( 100 shotangsho = 4046 Square meter= 1 acre), ( 1 ha= 10000 Square meter)

·          Size                > 3000-4000 m2       ( 1 acre= 4046 square meter)
·         Shape             > square/Rectangular
·         Depth             > should be 2-4 feet
·         Pond bottom  > hard soil
·         Dike height    >  1.5–2.0  feet above the desired water depth
·         Dike slope     > Dike slopes should be 1: 2

·     Supply and drainage canal: Fish pond must have separate canals for drainage and supply of water    for avoiding contamination.

·      Fencing to prevent entry any type of animal like crab, snack, frog, cow and other unnecessary live organism.
·      If possible maintain a Water reservoir 25-30%.Because it helps during emergency situation.

Telapia-culture-production-technique part 02

Telapia-culture-production-technique part 03

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