Shrimp Culture / Production Technique Part : 01

Shrimp Culture / Production Technique Part : 01

Site selection for pond
·         Good water retention capacity of pond
·         Clay, clay-loam, silty-clay-loam are preferable kinds of soil for fish pond site.
·         Water quality of the site is an important factor because fish growth depends on it. Survival and growth of fish highly depends on ambient water temperature. A water temperature between 28 °C- 32 °C is generally good for fish farming.
·         Good transportation system

·         Availability of fry and fingerlings Shrimp PL
·         Electricity and Bio-Security.
·         Protected from flood
Design and construction of pond:
·          Size      > 3000-4000 m2
·         Shape   > square
·         Depth   > should be 5-6 feet
·         Pond bottom > hard soil
·         Dike height  >  0.6–0.7 meter above the desired water depth
·         Dike slope     > Dike slopes should be 1: 1.75
·         Supply and drainage canal: Shrimp pond must have separate canals for drainage and supply of water for avoiding contamination.
·         Fencing to prevent entry any type of animal like crab, snack, frog, cow and other unnecessary live organism.

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