Shrimp Culture/ Production Technique Part: 04

 Shrimp Culture/ Production Technique Part: 04

 It is done by mixing culture pond water with Fry’s container water gradually with fixed time interval to adjust temperature, salinity, PH and others environmental parameter. In PL drums, aquarium aeration and larval feed should also be provided. If anybody want they can also measurea actual survival rate in Hapa.

 Stocking time:
Early morning and late evening. Because of favorable temperature.

Stocking density:
10-15/m2 base on finally farm infrastructure availability, especially aerator facilities and water depth.

Management after Stocking
·         In 1st month water parameter change frequently so measure parameter every day morning 6am and 3pm and take the necessary step to make it stable. Should not crush plankton in pond during culture.
·         Culture period maintain pH 7.6 -7.9, Alkalinity 120-150 and 0 ammonia levels to reduce stress.
·         Regarding water depth strongly advice to maintain around 5ft in all time to avoid filamentous algae.
·         During culture starting onwards apply Super PS 1.5 ppm (approximately 6-8 liter/acre) in every 7 days interval upto harvest. Add fermented molasses and rice bran juice also in case of high pH pond water.
·         If you follow this probiotic farming regularly then not necessary to apply any type of chemical.
Feeding time and Ration:
6 AM
11 AM
5 PM
10 PM
25 %

·         Every 1 lace PL needs 3kg CP feed.
·         And have to increase 600 gm everyday upto 30 days, called Blind feeding.
·         Put check tray 7 days onwards after stocking to check the small shrimp health in check tray.
·         During 30 DOC onwards do sampling in every week and adjust check tray feed to give demand feed and maintain good FCR. Check tray checking of course should be 4 times to adjust feed in every particular meal as vertically with proper record in record book.
·         Dose for feed probiotic Zymetine 5gm and Mutagen 10gm/kg feed daily one meal, especially C-150 use base on demand in any stress situation.
·         In case of shrimp size variation do dyke feeding, gap feeding and other step in case necessary.

Dyke feeding
·    Avoid chain drugging and other disturbance during moulting time. Except moulting time do chain drugging in feeding area with presence of aeration to clean feeding zone.
·      Should not apply any hard lime or other hard chemical in normal situation during molting time.

Feed type: CP shrimp feed
1 – 10 days
Code 2
11-30 days
Code 3
31- 50 days
Code 4s
6 – 14 gm
Code 4
15- 30 gm
Code 5
Till harvest


·     Set up aerator as per production target, like each 250 kg biomass 1HP electric motor capacity aerator or 2 paddle wheel aeration with 120 RPM.
·         Aerator timing : 1month 8 hrs, 2nd month 10 hrs, 3rd month 12 hrs , 4th and 5th months 14 hrs.
·         30 min before feeding and 2.30 hrs after feeding aerator should be stopped. In following picture I showed, which species are responsible for Oxygen production and consumption and their their total percentage.

Importance of aeration

Oxygen producer and consumption Percentage
·         Aeration is the process of adding oxygen to water and maintaining healthy levels of dissolved oxygen (DO)
·         Aeration increases the level of dissolved oxygen so normal biological processes in a pond system can become balanced.
·         It also helps to move water in low circulation and facilitates mixing throughout the pond if chemical treatment is necessary.
·         The more decomposition we can facilitate, through the addition of oxygen with aeration.
·         Aeration provides a way to clean up stagnant ponds and improve water quality for irrigation purposes.
·         Decrease the severity of algae blooms and algae die-off
·         Thermally and chemically destratify the water
·         Allow for greater densities of fish.
·         Reduce the amount of nutrients (N and P) and cause circulation currents that might create favorable conditions.
·         Shift the level of carbon dioxide by venting it into the air, which could limit the amount available for plants.


·     Approximately 130-150 days culture period and target harvestable size 40-50 gm average to get better profit. Always target to grow bigger size for more profit in culture.
·         Finally harvest shrimp without any stress situation to maintain its better quality to get better price.
·         Better harvesting technique to use outlet gate and trap in behind gate with water flow. If not possible then use drug net to capture all material in fresh condition.
·         Just after harvest wash & chill kill and finally follow the packing with more ice for excellent quality.

   Harvest by casting net
Complete harvest
  Post harvest


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