Shrimp Culture

Shrimp Culture :

There are 300 species of shrimps exist in the world waters, out of these P.mondon.,P.idicus,P.merguensis and P.vannamei are already beeing reared in commercial aquaculture ponds.P.monodon are the large sized, highly preferred shrimp in the market,suitable for culture.It was selected as a candidate species for culture in Brackish and freshwater ponds,during the period 1985-1998 or till the occurence of white spot disease. P.vannamei were selected as an alternate candidate species for culture.This candidate species also effected by WSSV,EMS,RMS and some other viral and bacterial diseases,now again farmers are preferring to stock P.monodon species for culture.This is a euryhaline sps,gets acclimatised to wide changes in salinity of water.It must be stocked at a moderate density,fed with well balanced pelleted feed,good pond soil,water management and with suitable,adapted quarentine measures.In Bangladesh P. monodon culture are highly appreciated and its also popular in bangladesh. Here I will discussed probiotic shrimp farming from pond preparation to harvest.

Shrimp Culture / Production Technique Part : 01

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