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We are providing necessary information regarding Telapia culture Technique, Telapia fish production, Mono-sex Telapia culture, Telapia fertilization, Telapia pond preparation, Telapia feeding, Telapia study, Telapia common disease, Shrimp culture technique,Shrimp study, shrimp feeding, Pro-biotic shrimp farming, Shrimp production, shrimp common disease and cure, Pangus culture, Pangus study, Pangus production technique,Pangus feeding, Koi culture, Koi study, Koi production. Different Technical persons are writting here regularly and share their knowledge to reach ultimate goal to increase fish production for people benefit.

Total Article:: 29

Main Author : Article written 29
Syed Ahsanul hoque
BSc in Marine science and MSc in Aquaculture
Institute of Marine Science and Fisheries, University of Chittagong.
Mobile: +8801716564054
Present job : Senior Executive at Fishtech BD Ltd.
Department : Research and Development

Past :  Senior Executive at New Hope Feed Mill Bangladesh.
Past : Senior consultant at CP Aquaculture India Pvt Ltd
Conducted different Aquaculture Project  in Bangladesh.
My Facebook :  Link

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