Prepare certain parts per million (ppm) concentrations in water for disease treatment in fish pond culture.

Suppose an Aqua consultant told you to prepare 2 ppm Potash solution for disease treatment in your culture pond. On that time what amount potash ( gm) you will use to prepare 2 ppm solution in your culture pond.
Calculate your pond area (Length and width) and water depth, multiply it by 2 ( so that potash is 2 ppm) . Find out result definitely will gm.

Length of pond= 15 m
Width of pond= 8 m
Depth of water= 2 m

Total Potash needed to prepare 2 ppm concentration = 15*8*2
                                                                                 = 240 cubic meter water
                                                                                 = 240*2
                                                                                 = 480 gm potash 
Therefore, 480 gm potash needed to prepare 2 ppm solution in 240 cubic meter water. In thus way you can prepare certain  parts per million (ppm) concentrations in water for disease treatment in your culture pond.

Note : Pond Length width and depth must be in meter

Technique : 2

Sometimes fish are infected by parasitic /  EUS or others type of disease on that time Aqua consultant told to wash  fish 50 ppm formalin solution. How do you prepare 50 ppm solution in 100 liter water?
Very simple,

1ppm = 1g/m3 = 1mg/L 

Thats mean if you want to prepare 50 ppm solution in one liter water you need 50 mg formaline in one liter water.
So that,
Necessary formalin to prepare 50 ppm solution in 100 liter water  = 50*100
                                                                                                  = 5000 ml/mg
                                                                                                  =  5 gm   ( 1 gm= 1000mg) 

Therefore, 5000 mg/ml  or 5 gm/ml  formalin needed to prepare 50 ppm solution in 100 liter water.

Technique : 3
Sometimes aqua consultant also said to wash your fish by 2% salt. How do you prepare 2% salt?
very simple,
1% salt mean 10 gm salt in 1liter water.
Therefore , 2% salt means 20 gm salt in 1 liter water.

Hydrogen sulfide gas problem

Ammonia gas problem


  1. Excellent blog.timely published. thanks to everybody to work behind this.

  2. Really bro shakil its helpful. Thanks 4 ur contribution.

  3. Valo new kcu idea pachchi..Thanks sirrr...
