Pangush Culture


In general all the fishes having a long barbels or mistache or antennules like structures on their sides of mouth are called as “CAT FISHES”. Catfishes are classified under Order Siluriformes. These are all leather backs, posses a thick fatty layer beneath the skin. These fishes are omnivorous, carnivorous and prefers to dwindle in mud, at pond bottom. As these fishes posses accessory respiratory organs, they can survive in lower depth pond waters. There are no “Y”
 shape spicules or small bones in the musculature, this condition facilitates to prefer and fetch good price in the market. Cat fishes can be find in marine as well in fresh waters, but the species differ from their habit of living. The life size of these fishes vary from 10 cms to 2-5 mts, depending on their species. Some of them are beautiful in appearance thus preferred as Ornamental fishes and are stocked in Aquaria.

Fresh water cat fishes :
There are some species of Catfishes like Mystus seenghala , Heteroneustus fossilis considered as delicacy, as they are very delicious. These are fresh water in habitat, naturally occur in lakes, ponds, reservoirs and more preferably in stagnant waters. These are caught or harvested only during the summer months ,where in water levels are very low and almost pond bottom is visible. The very important cat fishes which are being cultured in earthen dug out ponds are 1.Pangasius hypopthalmus-commonly known as river cat fish,stripped cat fish,Vietnamese are leaders in pangas culture. 

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