Crab / Mud crab (Scylla serrata) culture technique Or Mud Crab Scylla serrata fattening in bamboo cage : Part 02

Crab / Mud crab (Scylla serrata) culture technique Or Mud Crab Scylla serrata fattening in bamboo cage : Part 02

Growth and mortality rate :

Growth rate (0.92 to 1.64 g/indiv./day for male and 0.61 to 1.06 g/indiv./day for female) and mortality rate (3-6% for both male and female crab) were observed in cages. Growth rate of male crabs was found higher than the female crabs in cages.

Comparative financial analysis:
It was found that the cell type of cage culture was more profitable than other culture systems

Table 2. Comparative financial analysis between crab fattening in cages (cell and open), earthen ponds and pot culture systems.

(Average selling rate: Tk. 64.25/kg, average purchasing rate: Tk. 25/kg, feeding cost: Tk.10/kg, cage cost (cell type)-Tk. 3000 /cage, 20crops/cage/year.)

In the cell type of cage culture, it was observed that lower mortality and higher growth rate of crab occurred than that of earthen pond. It was also more profitable and easy to operate in respect of feeding and management. Therefore, the cell type of crab culture system was more sustainable for the marginal poor coastal people of Bangladesh.


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